Fraud Alerts Program Overview

Fraud Alerts Program Overview

Fraud Happens, We Can Help

Tools like text alerts and one-time passcodes help to keep you safe from fraud when you make a purchase with your personal debit card.

What can you do to help us fight fraud?

  • Make sure your contact info is up to date so you don’t miss an alert. Click the button below to learn how to update your contact info, visit us at your local branch to have an associate update it for you or call us at (866) 952-9523.
  • Know that we won’t ask you for personal info. Our text alerts will ask you “Yes” or “No” questions but we won’t ask you to click a link.
  • Check your account balance and transactions often.
  • Contact us if you’re unsure about a text, call or email you’ve received.

How to update my info (PDF)

What are text alerts and one-time passcodes?

Text alerts: If we suspect suspicious activity on your personal debit card, we’ll send you a text alert. “Yes” or “No” questions will help us determine whether a transaction on your debit card was made fraudulently or not.

  • Text alerts will come from 23-618

One-time passcodes: These passcodes provide step-up authentication. To complete certain online transactions with your personal debit card, we’ll send you a one-time passcode by text or email. Once you receive it, you’ll enter it into the designated box and click "Submit" to complete your transaction.

  • One-time passcodes will come from (877) 866-8298 or 

Debit Card Fraud Alerts Program Overview

This section pertains to text alerts only. One-time passcodes do not apply to this overview.

Messaging frequency depends on account activity. 
For more information, text HELP to 23618. 

Cancellation Process:

To cancel fraud text messaging services at any time, reply STOP to any alert from your mobile device.

Support Services:

For Fraud Alerts support, call (866) 440-9346.


By giving us your mobile number, you agree that Fraud Alerts text messaging is authorized to notify you of suspected incidents of financial or identity fraud. 

HELP instructions:

Text HELP to 23618 for help or call (866) 440-9346

STOP instructions: 

Text STOP to 23618 to cancel.

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(866) 952-9523